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Bitget was launched in 2018 and started life as a crypto-only exchange. Fast-forward to 2025 and Bitget is considered by many as the best crypto exchange today. Currently, they provide users with over 150 cryptocurrencies, the chance to trade online and via a dedicated app, as well as the option to buy crypto with fiat – finally!
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Over at Bitget, users can trade over 150 different cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Solana, Cardano, and a few hot prospects, too!
Bitget makes use of black, white, aqua and orange, adding a little more vibrancy to the site than most of its competitors. The design is intuitive, too, allowing any important sections of the site to be reached within a few clicks. Trades can be executed swiftly and charts can be personalised significantly, online or via the dedicated app.
Demo | As expected, the demo account allows Bitget users to test their strategies under real market conditions completely risk-free. |
Standard Account | The base account at Bitget allows traders to make use of spot and futures markets, once sufficient verification checks have been completed. |
Enhanced charting tools | Bitget offers enhanced personalisation tools and advanced charting indicators to help with the trading process. Add EMAs, RSIs and Bollingers, set trend lines and view 1m to weekly charts with the click of a button. |
BitGet Academy | Bitget’s Academy is as close as it gets to education at Bitget. Here, you will find various articles on the specifics of crypto trading and, specifically, trading crypto at Bitget. |
Copy Trading | The Copy Trading feature allows Bitget users to copy the trades of top traders across the community and have other traders follow their own market movements. |
Banxa, Mercuryo, and Simplex are the third-party providers used to make crypto purchases with fiat at Bitget. Generally, however, traders will opt to transfer digital currency directly into their Bitget wallet from their own external holdings.
Minimum deposit | £1 |
Deposit fee | Varied per asset |
Inactivity fee | N/A |
Account fee | N/A |
Maximum leverage | 1:125 |
Overnight fee | N/A |
Minimum withdrawal | Varied per asset |
In its quest to be considered the best crypto exchange 2025, Bitget has pulled out all the stops and now offers 24/7 multi-language support. Click the Help button located in the bottom corner and you will find an abundance of FAQs and the chance to open up a conduit with knowledgeable agents.
Bitget is doing all it can to be considered a safe and legitimate broker by securing its US MSB and Canada MSB licence, alongside the DCE licence from Australia. Beyond global licences, Bitget also requires its users to pass KYC processes, suggests implementing 2FA and makes use of the latest encryption technology, too.
Yes, Bitget provides all of its users with the chance to download the Bitget iOS and Android apps from their respective stores. We found that the mobile applications offered the same functions and availability as their desktop alternative.
Yes, new traders can redeem a bonus up to the value of £4163
Over 2 million registered traders use Bitget.
No, Bitget users can trade futures, spot, and copy trades freely. They can also make use of a demo account.
Despite lacking additional resources for newcomers, Bitget gets a huge thumbs up from our experts. The intuitive design allows mobile and desktop users to execute trades promptly, navigate and personalise markets freely, as well as picking up a few rewards along the way. Support is available 24/7 and the finest security features help to confirm Bitget’s legitimate status, too.
The customer support team is knowledgeable and helpful, but response times can be slow during peak hours.
I really appreciate the 24/7 customer support. It’s quite commendable, it came in handy when I really needed it.
The site has a very intuitive design, which facilitates its initial usability, in addition to appearing to be very secure since its support is always available for any eventuality.
Sure, Bitget delivers an impressive betting experience with its 24/7 customer support and mobile app. And the leverage options are great for maximizing profits.
oThe cryptocurrency dashboard is excellent. In addition, it is possible to follow the most relevant news in the area, all from very reliable sources. Excellent for those just starting out and also for the more experienced.
Trading financial products carries a high risk to your capital, especially trading leverage products such as CFDs. CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Between 74-89% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.
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